todo objeto pode ser representado nos planos ortogonais através das projeções de seus lados nos eixos x, y e z. nenhuma das projeções, sozinhas, é capaz de representar o todo.
representações através da geometria euclidiana
representações através da geometria hiperbólica

arte se não agora quando
de pé sobre ombros de gigantes

em busca do gesto perdido
mapa mental: o que representa a Terra?
Representações e representações

"The capacity, variable among peoples as it is among individuals, to perceive meaning in pictures (or poems, melodies, buildings, pots, dramas, statues) is, like all other fully human capacities, a product of collective experience which far transcends it, as is the far rarer capacity to put it there in the first place. It is out of participation in the general system of symbolic forms we call culture that participation in the particular we call art, which is in fact but a sector of it, is possible. A theory of art is thus at the same time a theory of culture, not an autonomous enterprise. And if it is a semiotic theory of art it must trace the life of signs in society, not in an invented world of dualities, transformations, parallels, and equivalences."
Clifford Geertz, Art as a cultural system.